Production Traditional Methods
The high quality standards of Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I. are upheld and influenced by the traditional knowledge and practical know-how of the people who produce the oil. Domestic pumpkin farmers have been producing our green gold for generations and are therefore knowledgeable in all of the subtleties of pumpkin seed oil production. They share their collected knowledge with other pumpkin seed oil producers, use only domestically grown pumpkin seeds for their oils and do not import of exotic pumpkin seeds. When pressing the pumpkin seeds they still rely on their traditional knowledge and use the same principles and techniques, in combination with ongoing technological modernization.

Oil Production

The dried seeds, which are fully ripened, plump and dark green are the first prerequisite for a first class Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I.. The seeds are only pressed as needed, meaning every bottle of Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I. is filled with freshly pressed oil. Approximately 2.5-3 kg of these shell-less pumpkin seeds are necessary for 1 Liter of Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I., a high cost of goods for high quality.

In order to produce Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I. the seeds are first ground, then water and salt are kneaded into the ground seeds and then the mixture gently roasted. The expertise of the Press Master is very important at this stage in the production, because based on their knowledge they decide when the roasting process is completed and pressing can begin. Historically, the seeds were pressed using an "Ölkuh" (oil cow), where the roasted mush is wrapped in a cloth and wedged between two wooden inserts and then the "Ölausschläger" (oil beater) used a large wooden hammer and a lot of strength to beat the oil out of roasted seed mush. Nowadays, the oil millers have access to the most modern pressing equipment, which facilitates a gentle while also effective pressing.

The fresh pumpkin seed oil is then stored for a few days to allow any particulate material to settle out of the oil. The finished oil is then ready to enjoy, it can be filled into bottles and will then be sold both in Styria and around the world.

Through their traditional production philosophy, local pumpkin seed oil producers give their pumpkin seed oil the highest quality possible as well as its own character and charisma. From the careful cultivation of the pumpkin seeds to the expert roasting, these traditional production practices guaranty an all-natural and unique quality product that an easily recognizable culinary delight. These are the wonderful facets of Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I.
Old oil press: the styrian
Pumpkin Seed Oil Press Cake
Pumpkin Seed Oil Press Cake
Valuable By-Product
Approximately 90 % of the fats found in the prepared pumpkin seeds are pressed out of the mixture when producing pumpkin seed oil. Proteins, fibre and a small amount of residual fat remain after pressing and this is called the press cake. This valuable byproduct is currently widely used as an animal feed or in the production of salad oil. Although some adventurous pumpkin seed oil producers discovered the dietary benefits of pumpkin seed oil press cake early on and began to use the press cake as a food for themselves. Pumpkin seed oil press cake can be an especially important addition to the increasingly popular vegetarian or vegan diets and it can enrich any daily meal plan with a little creative culinary use.
Sensory Features
Use in the Kitchen
Fotocredit: Stefan Kristoferitsch und (Pressvorgang)